Friday, January 26, 2007

The Escape Artist

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There are some days when I wake up and I just want to pull the covers back up over my head and sleep the day away. Most of these days happen in January. It has to be one of the most depressing months.

A teacher friend of mine was telling me last weekend about one of the kids in her grade two class who hates going to school. He believes that if he is a cat, then he will not have to go to school. He has now become convinced that he is a cat. He sits at his desk and meows and bat around a string while pretending he is bored. He still has yet to be sent home for all his cat-ness…

Ah, if only life were so easy.

This is where worlds of fantasy and escape become places of comfort. I was watching the snow fall this afternoon and it just looked so pretty. My eyes were scanning my desk for inspiration for today’s image when I can across some leftover birthday flowers that are slowly withering away. Upon closer inspection I realized there was still some life left in them…

Here is the world of fantasy that I visited this afternoon…

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