Friday, January 12, 2007

It Ain't No Golden Egg

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Of Note:

Horoscope: It is with some anxiety that you view slow progress in an important area of your life. While it's true that some things just cannot be hurried, there will, in your case, be a way to make certain plans work well, even if you're not quite sure how, quite yet.

Tarot Card: Three of Cups – Emotion/intuition takes on form, becomes more defined and more restricted

Planetary Oddities: The moon will be square Venus tonight indicating that the inward sense of self, emotions and the psyche will be challenging relationship, love and sense of beauty.

Well no wonder I have been feeling so %&@#*ed up today.

And now, a modern fable:

Early one morning a pretty enough girl woke up to find herself sitting in a canoe bobbing gently at the waters edge. She was not filled with concern as to how she may have arrived in a such a spot, but simply looked down in the canoe and noticed a delicately carved paddle. She picked the paddle up and silently dipped it into the water, pushing off from the bank.

The outer hull of the canoe was a bright and cheerful shade of blue with a silver dragonfly stenciled on it. It moved quite majestically through the water under the guidance of the girl’s strong and sure strokes, and she decided to name her canoe Louise. They quickly made their way across a large bay and found themselves beginning to navigate through a series of islands.

The girl slowed her methodical paddling so as to get a better look at the islands flying past her. The first one was quite small, but was covered with the softest looking green grass and beautiful purple flowers that scented the air as the girl moved past. As she began to leave the island in her wake, she looked back and noticed another canoe tethered to the bank. She craned her neck to make sure her eyes were not playing tricks on her and caught a flash of gold in the light of sunrise.

Before she could think on it too heavily another island was coming into view. This one smelled even sweeter than the last and it seemed that the purple flowers were an even brighter hue than on the first island. On this one however, they poked through between the stands of arbutus trees. The bark on the trees seemed to positively sparkle in the early morning light, showering a rainbow of colour on the girl and Louise as they moved past. Again the girl noticed another canoe, painted just like Louise as they passed. The girl made sure to pass this canoe a little bit closer and leaned over to take a good look this time. Inside the boat was a golden egg.

Before she knew it, they had come upon a third island. It was even more awesome than the last two put together. The trees were even taller and a breeze seemed to play a song on the leaves. The girl leaned back, listened to the soothing lullaby of the trees and allowed Louise to just glide past. The girl allowed her mind to wander and think about the golden egg she had seen before. Lost in thought, she managed to lift her head just in time to notice another canoe drifting by in the water. Louise had brought her close enough that she decided to stand up and take a closer look at the golden egg inside. As she stood, Louise, who had been so steady all morning began to rock and the girl sat down again. She wished she could have looked at the egg for longer, but she had managed to memorize exactly how the sunlight had gleamed off its shiny surface.

And so the day went. They passed many islands, each more extraordinary than the last and the beauty that they saw was unlike anything else. They saw many other canoes each with a gold egg inside. As the sun began to sink into the water ahead of them, the girl had no idea where she was, but remained unconcerned. She had come to trust Louise throughout the day, but one question nagged at her as night began to fall. Although she had quite enjoyed Louise’s company she wondered about the lack of golden eggs in her boat. Had she done something wrong? Did she not deserve a golden egg?

The girl was amazed at all the paddling she had done during the day, and even more amazed that she was not at all tired. Darkness enveloped them completely as she passed another canoe. Without the sunlight, she could no longer make out the egg though she assumed it was there. The girl gave up looking and forged ahead. As she paddled, the sky began to lighten again and suddenly a giant full moon began to rise directly ahead of them. She began to feel lighter as she was bathed in moonlight. She watched the moon rise high overhead. She smiled and paddled on, her eyes sparkling, eager to see the next island.

...and then there is this

yup, that's right

there is a flaming onion in my boat today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roz, I love this one! I hope the smoke alarm didn't go off. The blog is very impressive!